I serve you to
Deepen your connection with yourself and others
Communicate more effectively
Understand the hidden dynamics
of human interactions
Dissolve limiting thought and
relationship patterns that block you
Feel competent and confident
in taking action
Embody your highest potential
and operate from a place of ease
and congruence
Experience feeling heard, witnessed and met where you are
+ Masters in Social Work
+ Worked as a case worker and a psychotherapist.
+ Trained in varying communication styles
+ Certified in Language Of Being™, by Nila Velchoff
+ Certified Forest Rock Qigong teacher
+ Trained in many types of energy alchemy
+ Experience in meditation, breathwork, plant medicine, essential oils, ceremonial work, embodiment coaching, nervous system regulation
Work with me
Kind Words
- The Language of Being with Kristin is a must do course for anyone who ever gets into conflicts with any type of relationships - in other words - all of us! Communication truly is so important and when you get to understand the structures and the way Kristin lays it out, how we behave and react makes so much sense. Definitely want to do it again and learn more! Thank you Kristin, this workshop was spectacular
Hayley Weatherburn

For as long as I can remember I’ve been passionate about the hidden dynamics of human relationships. My quest for a deeper connection to myself and others propelled me to become a social worker and psychotherapist in order to understand how humans really work.
On my journey I’ve gathered a constellation of skills and experiences — group facilitation, nervous system regulation, qigong, embodiment practices, meditation, breathwork, energy alchemy, plant medicines, essential oils and ceremonial experiences - which all inform my offerings:
Discovering the Language of Being™ (LOB) was the piece of the puzzle that made everything make sense. I gained more understanding of myself, life and others. It helped me put words to feelings and experiences that were previously difficult to articulate. My thinking and speaking have become clearer and cleaner, bringing more peace and ease to my life.
May our work together give you a sense of being delivered back to yourself
Way Showing
One-on-one consulting to address your concerns in a practical, effective way using various frameworks chosen specifically for you to bring forth the greatest possibilities for you to create your desired outcome. We will zero in on what needs attention in an accurate and precise way. These sessions are limited. This is meant to be 1-3 sessions max. 2,200,000IDR per 1 session.
Improved relationship with self Direction & strategy Honing in on what's working in your life Gaining practical skills to create workability where it's needed Living with agency Greater awareness of oneself and how to flow with life Clarity of mind Harnessed pragmatic thinking Access to the middle path Knowing when, where and with who to take action while knowing what action to take. Becoming more effective in life Increased confidence and competence Connection to the zero point
A Way Showing session assists you to redirect your life and energy to align with your highest outcome through identifying where you are and where you went off course. This offers tools, strategies & insights to reactivate your homing instinct. You will see with clarity and come home to yourself.
Middle Point
The Middle Point was discovered and shared by Are Thoresen and it consists of finding the middle point on the body to bring balance, realignment and harmony to all levels of being.
1 - 2 sessions only.
In person only. 20-30 minutes.
900,000 IDR
Long term transformation (which may take longer to resolve but the alchemy lasts)
Feeling re-energized and revitalized
Feeling more calm and balanced
Realignments and course corrections to your body and your life
Reconnection to the zero point
In a Middle Point session, we focus on finding the middle point and expanding the sense of ease from inside to go deeper and wider. This gives the body space to alchemize imbalances and restore itself to its original state of health and vitality.
Blueprint to Being
1:1 + GROUP
Blueprint to Being uses the blueprints of communication to clarify our lives. There are several operational frameworks within BTB. I teach Language of Being™ which is a body of work consisting of 7 structures that gives us the fundamentals of how we use language everyday. There's also a life map that illustrates the journey of awakening and helps us make sense of & navigate life's transitions. In addition, I teach a set of distinctions about everyday experiences (eg. grief, love, trust) that gives us the how-to of those experiences. These are taught in workshop form.
Clean communication Clear & grounded understanding of what's at play in your life
Ability to change & hone your thinking by addressing how you speak
Improved relationships to self, other & life
Ability to take action based in effectiveness
Being with life as it is
Mental clarity
Becoming more present, calm and peaceful
Nervous system regulation
Greater connection to oneself
Making sense of things
Gaining articulation for what’s unarticulated about life
Pathway to the zero point Access to more possibilities and workability in life
Living from Being rather than from ego
A body of work based on articulation. We learn distinctions about life that make life make sense. Fundamentals of language lay the foundations for successful communication, relations and effectivenss.
The workshops bring new understanding to everday experiences for a better life.

Languange of Being™
Language of Being™ provides a set of distinctions to operate with our thoughts, emotions, and speaking in a clear way using ordinary language. It allows us to communicate in with groundedness, which is speaking that is supported by fact. Addressing our reality as it is deepens our awareness and expands us to greater possibilities for action. When we are grounded in reality we can easily see what is happening and therefore bridge the gaps in our relationships. This opens up extraordinary new paths for connection, understanding, and change.
LOB is made up of seven communication structures that allow us to gain more understanding of what’s working and not working in our thinking, speaking and action. With this knowledge comes the capability to be more effective in life. Speaking and thinking in effective ways brings about aligned action, flow, clarity and calm. When communication is based in reality as it is, we can coordinate well with others and life just works.
The Revelation Lab
Reignite your inner power
Deepen your connection with others
Enhance your leadership skills
Master transformational practices & tools
The Revelation Lab is a transformative event in which Karen and Kristin join their profound wisdom and experiences, bringing you home to yourself and empowering you to be the change you want to see in the world.
Each Revelation Lab is a unique life-changing event centered around a theme. Depending on what your specific needs are, we cover topics and tools such as:
Embodied leadership
Nervous system regulation
Advanced communication skills
Creating from alignment
and much much more!
The goal, however, is always the same - reconnecting to your true essence and revealing your authentic light to the world